
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
BONUS EPISODE: Preview our upcoming series!
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Here is a sneak peek preview to a project that we have been working on at 127 Worldwide. Listen to this inspiring, thought-provoking episode as 127 staff wrestles through what healthy engagement with local leaders looks like.

Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
In the season two finale of the Simply127 podcast Sara Beth shares some stats and recaps of season two. She also shares how she met each of the 127 Worldwide partners.
Email: Simply 127@127worldwide.org
Episode 21 Tony Merida
Episode 23 Michele Suffridge
Episode 36 Dustin Dozier
Episode 1 Sara Beth Fentress
Episode 3 Eleanor Wells
Episode 12 Peter Abungu
Episode 26 & 27 : Manny and Jillian Prieto
Atomic Habits
Misreading Scripture Through Western Eyes
The Choice
Gentle and Lowly

Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
In this episode of the Simply 127 podcast, Sara Beth chats with Drew Raynor. Drew is a husband, pastor, and adoptive father. Drew and his wife Taylor began to see adoption as part of their story through their time at Imago Dei Church in Raleigh, NC. They now have three biological children and one adopted child. Drew always knew that he wanted to be part of a church plant. Seven years ago he and several others decided to plant a church in Cary, North Carolina.

Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
On this episode of the Simply127 podcast Sara Beth interviews Phil Darke. Phil, his wife Becca, and their five children, live in Folsom, CA. He is the President of Providence World, a non-profit developing organizations around the world to help children and families flourish. He co-authored the book In Pursuit of Orphan Excellence and also founded and hosts three podcasts: How Soccer Explains Leadership, Think Orphan, and Coaching Character. Listen to hear how God worked through Phil’s life to bring him to where he is now.
Providence World:
In Pursuit of Orphan Excellence
By: Philip Darke and Keith McFarland
Think Orphan

Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
In this episode of the Simply127 podcast, Sara Beth interviews her good friend Chelsea Sobolik. Chelsea works for the ERLC in their DC office. She is also an author, having written Longing for Motherhood and is working with Moody Publishers on her second book. Chelsea was born in Romania. She and another little boy were adopted by her parents in the United States when she was very young. They were 11 days apart in age and not related. Her parents adopted four other children from Russia. Chelsea grew up in a very loving household and God grew her heart for the vulnerable.
When Chelsea was a freshman in college she learned that she had a rare condition that would prevent her from having biological children. She wasn’t able to find a book or resources for those walking through this type of loss. She wrote the book, Longing for Motherhood, the book she wished she had when she was walking through this part of her life. Listen to hear more of her story and justice journey.
Longing for Motherhood: Holding On to Hope in the Midst of Childlessness
By: Chelsea Patterson Sobolik

Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Dustin Dozier is a husband, pastor and father to adopted children. He is the Teaching Pastor at Upstate Church Five Forks outside of Greenville, South Carolina. Dustin did not grow up in a church home and didn’t become a Christian until he was in high school after being invited to church by friends when he was a freshman.
Dustin Dozier
@dustindozier on Instagram

Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
In this episode of the Simply127 podcast, Sara Beth interviews Gary Freeman. Gary is originally from Chesapeake, Virginia and attended East Carolina University on a football scholarship. His father was a pastor and they did not have a good relationship growing up. Gary explained how he saw the more difficult parts of his father being in ministry and as a result disregarded his faith in college. When he was a senior in college he started to pursue his relationship with Christ again.
Gary founded Major League Dad which is an organization that strives to promote a healthy view of fatherhood, pregnancy crisis support and guidance on how to care for a baby. Romans 5:8 says that “while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” This verse guides and propels Gary in all that he does. It permeates all efforts of ministry from the fatherless to a difficult father and child relationship to those toiling with whether or not they want to be a father.

Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
In this episode of the Simply 127 podcast, Sara Beth interviews Tracy Arntzen, Co- Founder and Executive Director of Saving Susan Ministry. Tracy and her husband, Jay, own an elevator business and live in north Atlanta. Together they have three sons. Not long after starting their own business in 2008, they felt the call to change churches.
Through one of their church connections, Jay felt led to go to Cambodia after mission Sunday. He and one of his sons decided to go on the mission project. There he met a little girl with whom he had a strong connection. He even wanted their family to adopt her, but found out that the borders were closed to international adoption. Through prayer and guidance they felt led to still help support the girl, they nick-named Susan, and her brother.
When founding Saving Susan Ministry, Tracy was very adamant that prayer would be central to their ministry. Six years later it is still the most important thing they do. They approach orphan care in a unique and very relational way. There is an application process for anyone who wants to sponsor a child and work closely with local leaders in the countries where these children live.
Have any comments or questions?
Email Simply127@127worldwide.org
127 Worldwide
Saving Susan Ministry
The Hole in Our Gospel
Richard Sterns
In Pursuit of Orphan Excellence
Keith McFarland
Philip Darke

Wednesday May 26, 2021
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Episode 33
In this episode Sara Beth has a conversation with Jackie Wild. Jackie is a wife, mom of two boys and wedding photographer based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She has been passionate about adoption and caring for vulnerable communities since she was a teenager. She served on the board of directors for 127 Worldwide and continues to be an advocate for orphans and widows.
Both of Jackie’s boys were adopted as infants in the United States. She shares her adoption journey with her husband, Matt, and how they grew their family following the path the Lord laid before them.
Jackie’s Info:

Wednesday May 12, 2021
Wednesday May 12, 2021
Arthur lives in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania with his wife, Liz and dog and cat. He studied student and family ministry at Lancaster Bible college. For 10 years he served as a youth pastor and then felt God’s nudge to leave student ministry and move on to something different. He and his wife built a passion for orphans and vulnerable children. They walked alongside a lot of kids who were facing significant difficulties and trauma. From this experience he learned that kids from hard places have significant barriers to receiving the gospel. He made a video series called, Trusting the God of the Gospel that helps caregivers and families disciple adopted or foster teenagers.
Arthur and Liz have been in the adoption process for several years now. He shares his journey through failed adoption and some of the difficulties he and his wife faced. They also fostered for 2 years. He shares how adoption and foster care is a faith journey, is not always easy and how important it is to be steadfast through it all. Lastly, he shares practical advice to those starting on the adoption and foster care road.
Have any questions or feedback?
Email: Simply127@127worldwide.org
Arthur C Woods website:
Trust the God of the Gospel